When all ends fails, we are never out of choices, perhaps alternatives; but there usually is a way out. ‘Lanrenny

About Us

To actualize a dream requires more than mere words, hard work and unending efforts, especially in the world today, where our economic and social values are built on power and disparity of influence; such that only promotes the inadequacies and incompetence of the average person for optimal standard of living.
Thus, the need for the establishment of the organization, BREATHING PENS, which was conceived out of a desire to help restore hope to a generation of people in whom abides treasures only rare eyes, can see, for the benefit and development of the individual, our nation and world at large. And as such, make a community of people worthy of emulation and in whose skills and talents are the interest of the world around them.
The organization was registered as a business name with the Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, on the 18th January, 2012 and comprises of a team of young people with same sense of value, vision, and passion for positive influence in our world. We hope to make a difference and lay a landmark that will forever remain in the hearts of generations to come. Therefore, we are a people of proven integrity and our reputation precedes us.
We hope to make a community of people with a mindset for continuity of growth, development and sustenance of ideologies, innovations and concepts for individuals, corporate organizations and the economy of the nation at large. 

Vision statement: Painting pictures with steps from facts for the revolution of values.

Mission statement: Divulging with versatility the symbol of the system.

To serve with utmost sincerity and honesty.
To ensure the fulfillment of your dreams.
To be accountable for your success in life.
Is to influence our generation with visions and a conscious sense of good leadership for better existence.
Is to enlighten people on the opportunities around the world.
Is to help expand your horizon as individuals and/or organizations.
Is to raise a standard that will help reduce the rate of both mental and financial poverty.
Is to promote excellence in people and organization for the global world.
Strategic planning

This cuts across various sectors, Individuals, Small and Medium scale Enterprise, Corporate organizations, Schools (Basic, Tertiary and Professional institute) etc.
Business Development Group
The Business Development Group is aimed at helping our clients to start up and nurture businesses to meet world class service standards, as well as, reduce the level of poverty through the creation of jobs for employment opportunity.
Our activities range from conceiving a business concept to managing it to growth, and just as you expect, that involves a whole lot of professional services. We pride ourselves in the quality of our services and strategic conceptualization.